Export Games

Home – Documentation – Advanced – Export Games Export games to JSON file To export your games to a JSON file, first open the Settings dialog via the left Settings & Bookmark panel. There you will find the Export section. If you click the export button, the operating system’s standard file selection dialog opens.There you…

Import Games

Home – Documentation – Advanced – Import Games Import games from JSON file (PRO) To import your games from a JSON file, first open the Settings dialog via the left Settings & Bookmark panel. There you will find the Import section. To open the import dialog, click the “Import Dialog” button. Click “Select File to…

Setting up Background Images for the Game Views

Home – Documentation – Getting started – Setting up Background Images for the Game Views Enable background images You can enable a shiny background image that will be shown in the games view. To do this, open the settings via the left menu item Settings. In the Settings window you will find the “Application Settings”…

Adding a Game

Home – Documentation – Getting started – Adding a Game Open the input window To add a new game, click on the plus symbol in the upper toolbar. The input window for a new game then opens. Minimal requirements The minimum requirements to save a new game are entering the title and selecting a profile.By…

Installation and Setup

Installation and Setup

Home – Documentation – Getting started – Installation and Setup Download on itch.io Both the free version and the pro version are hosted directly at itch.io. Download the free version Visit our product page at itch.io: https://bad-dream-entertainment.itch.io/universal-game-launcher. There you will find the download link under the “Demo download” section.This is not a demo in the…